
Know Time Like now!

2010-01-13 Knowmads - The Saint - Asbury Park, NJ
This was my second time seeing Knowmads. This time brought along a couple more new fans! Everyone had a great time!

Jeremy and Bret played with "know shoes" ...this could be recurring.

Set: Skunk Town, Peggy's Cove> Shakedown Street, Transit Shuffle (1st time played), Mind You, Aftermath

Encore: Outsider

'Transit Shuffle', sung by Ian Schwartz, was the talk of the room. Brand new song/first time played and is was a sick blues song with a nice trippy middle!

****Before they performed Outsider everyone said goodbye to Jeremy. He is leaving for Colorado for a while. We all wish him good luck!! Its funny that they played Outsider, since that is what he will be on his adventure but we all know he won't be for long!
KNOWMADS SUMMER TOUR 2011!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Hula Helix

Hula Helix


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